Why Beginners Opt for Walking On Treadmills For Weight Loss
One of the best ways to get fit and healthy-and stay that way-is walking on a treadmill. Treadmills are great for people who are just entering the world of exercise because workout intensities can change as physical endurance grows.
One of the main reasons that people opt for walking on a treadmill, instead of going somewhere to walk or walking outside, is having your own treadmill takes away exercise excuses. You can't blame Mother Nature for not working out, and you can't say you are too tired to travel to your walking destination, when a treadmill is in your home. Another reason many people purchase their own personal treadmills is they can workout when it's convenient to them-day or night.
A question that is on the minds of many people who are beginning a walking workout program is how much time they should walk. How long you should walk for will be based on your health and fitness condition and what your goals are. Most health professionals and exercise experts recommend that people try to walk 30 to 60 minutes at a pace that will bring their heart rates up to 50 to 70 percent of their maximum heart rate.

A simple way to calculate your maximum heart rate is to take 220 minus your age. If you are 30 years old, then your maximum heart rate would be approximately 190. Fifty to seventy percent of that would be 95-133. According to the recommendation, you should aim to walk 30 to 60 minutes with your heart rate somewhere between 95-133 beats per minute throughout the entire workout.
However, don't let this scare you. Go at your own pace. If you need to, chop up these minutes into two or three segments throughout the day. Just try to exercise as many days of the week as you can and be sure to maintain a heart rate between 50-70 percent of your maximum heart rate during your workout.
In a short amount of time you will find that your walking program will become easier and easier. This means you are getting in better fitness condition and your maximum heart rate has increased. When this happens, it's a sign that you should intensify your walking program and go to the next level. Keep your heart rate at 60-70 percent of your new maximum heart rate and you will continue to get a stronger cardiovascular system, too.

No matter how young or old you are, or what health condition you may be in, it is never too late to start walking on a treadmill. It is easy to get healthy and fit with treadmills because they are made to be personalized. Treadmills are much like personal trainers. Their display windows can monitor your walking speed, length, calories burned, your heart rate and more. They are great exercise machines for someone just beginning to exercise and for the more advanced person who jogs or run-which could be you before you know it!
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